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Wellness Classes & Lectures

The Well-Being Center offers classes and nutrition counseling to the general public, which are available on a per class basis or for a nominal annual or one-time fee.

Stress Management

Stress can cause negative consequences on every aspect of life, including physical health, wellness, and wellbeing. Learning how to effectively minimize and manage stress is one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy.

The Art of Calm

Explore the hows and whys of relaxation in a simple practice that can be learned and practiced anywhere.

Unplug and Recharge

A series of half hour sessions to help people relax, experience mindfulness and renew as they move through their day. These can be broken down into two fifteen-minute programs or Lunch and Learns.

Life Happens...Suffering Is Optional

An interactive presentation about stress response. Includes a holistic approach to stress management through coping strategies and relaxation techniques.

Work-Life Balance

"There’s no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves." Learn the balancing skills needed to be a great surfer of life.

Emotional Intelligence

An interactive presentation to understand the connection between beliefs, emotions and the resulting behaviors. This class is full of self-awareness exercises and tools to lower stress levels and enhance your well-being.

Mind Body Skills Groups

An eight-, ten- or twelve-week workshop based on the work of Dr. James Gordon, creator of the Center of Mind-Body Medicine located in Washington D.C. This class focuses on the practical techniques for self-awareness, self-care and mutual respect and support.

Customized presentations are also available to meet the needs of your group or organization.

Wellness Lectures

Customized lectures on a variety of topics, done on an at request basis.

Food Label Olympics

A registered dietitian shows you what to look for when shopping.

Nutrition Jeopardy

Engaging program based on the popular TV show. Promotes education in a fun environment while encouraging team building.

Shopping for Heart Health

Our registered dietitian takes you on a virtual shopping tour showing you how to shop to prevent/reduce heart disease risk.

What’s the Big, Fat Deal?

A review of good and bad fats and their impact on cholesterol, weight and other health risks.

Do You Want to Lose Weight?

Review key points for long-term weight management along with an overview of current trends.

Portion Distortion

Learn from our Registered Dietitian how to “right size” your portions for a healthy weight.

Fuel Your Passion for Athletics

Learn what foods and fluids are best to fuel your body across the finish line. Our competitive athlete Registered Dietitian shares her insights and secrets for success – pre, post and during events.

Stress Management Nutrition

Join our Registered Dietitian to learn how to make better food choices to nourish your body with smart label reading and sensible food substitutions while coping with stress.

My Plate for Healthy Eating

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. Learn how to color your plate the right way and use simple tools for smart nutrition.

Other topics may include Fiber Facts, Sodium Story, Dining Out and Eating Healthy, and Eating Healthy on the Road.

Community Wellness

Understanding the health needs of our community is the goal of our Community Health Needs Assessment conducted in collaboration with the United Way. Results of this survey have led to programming within partner schools as part of Project Fit America and diabetes management through the Westmoreland County YMCAs.

Classes are for any level, beginner through expert. Modifications are given for all exercises so you may work within your own boundaries and limitations. Please wear sneakers and comfortable exercise clothing and bring a bottle of water for all classes.

Chair Fit

EQUIPMENT: Stable Chair, light weights, small ball, BIG Smile

The Chair fit class is taught in and around a chair to ensure balance and stability. It’s a great mixture of cardiovascular endurance and strength training. These low impact exercises focus on maintaining activities of daily living, fall prevention and increasing flexibility. The class is conducted in a gentle easy to follow safe manner. It will improve strength, increase range of motion, balance and mobility. It will improve one’s overall quality of life and well-being. Please wear comfortable clothing, good support sneakers and bring some water.

Body Sculpt

EQUIPMENT: Weights, Yoga mat, Band optional, Occasional Yoga Ball

This full body workout is designed to strengthen all major muscles groups, improve cardiovascular endurance and increase flexibility. The instructor will be incorporating a wide variety of strength training, resistance exercises and plyometrics. The last 10-15 minutes will be spent strengthening the core and stretching. This is a fun and energetic class. Modifications are given for all fitness levels. Each week will have new challenges, give it a try.

Gentle Yoga

EQUIPMENT: Yoga mat, Yoga Blocks, Yoga Strap, Whole being

Yoga is defined as the union of the mind, body, and spirit. This class is designed for beginners and experienced participants. Giving them the ability to create a practice within their personal boundaries. Becoming aware of one's breath to gracefully move throughout restorative and energetic poses. It starts with the basic poses, offering instructions to flow into more challenging poses. Giving one the opportunity to grow within their practice. It will help to build strength, flexibility and proper alignment. Yoga is a journey of mindfulness and growth. The class will end with 10-15 min of meditation giving you the opportunity to peel away your layer of stress and bring your awareness to your inner peace. Opening yourself to eternal love and light.

Strength & Tone

EQUIPMENT: Weights, Yoga mat

Strength & Tone is a muscle building and conditioning class focusing on high repetitions and light weight, targeting all major muscle groups. This 45-minute class uses a variety of resistance bands and weights. Designed to improve and increase cardiovascular endurance along with developing coordination and balance. It is essential for healthy living but also fun and challenging. The instructor will demonstrate each exercise at an appropriate pace with modifications for all fitness levels. This is a great opportunity to get out of the typical gym routine.

Core & More

EQUIPMENT: Yoga mat, small ball optional

Healthy living is Core, so there is no better class. This class focuses on improving balance, flexibility, stability, posture, and gently strengthening the abdominal region and lower back. It is great for any size and fitness levels. Modifications of each exercise will be given. Be prepared to get on the floor so bring a mat and a positive mind set.



Intro to HIIT is a full body workout. This class is a moderate intensity interval training sequence with moderate intensity exercises. This training helps build cardiovascular fitness while improving muscular strength and endurance. This class is to help people challenge themselves and walk out feeling strong.

Get Up & Get Moving

EQUIPMENT: weights, bands, Yoga mat

This morning class will get the blood pumping and help you burn more calories through out the day. The instructor will focus on targeting new muscle groups each week. Using a variety of different exercises, that will get you up and moving for the day. This class will focus on improving muscle mass and lowering body fat. This is a great opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Strong & Lean


Strong & Lean is a short exercise class to wake you up in the middle of the day, get those extra calories off or even start your day. This class will be a 20-minute class that focuses on getting your heart rate up and burning those extra calories off. This class is taught at a fast pace with 3 circuits each with 15 second rest breaks in-between exercises. If you are looking for a quick and fulfilling exercise program look no further. Join in for a quick lunch time class.


Classes are offered at various Independence Health System (Westmoreland Area) locations. Inquire when registering.

The Well-Being Center

200 Village Drive, Suite A
Greensburg, PA 15601

Telephone: 724-830-8568.

The Square at Latrobe

100 Excela Health Drive
Latrobe, PA 15650

Latrobe Hospital

One Mellon Way
121 West Second Avenue (for GPS)
Latrobe, PA 15650

Westmoreland Hospital

532 West Pittsburgh Street
Greensburg, PA 15601

Need more information?
For details on particular programs and pricing, please call 724-830-8568 or email:

To view the calendar, click here.

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