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Current or Former Smoker? 5 Reasons You Need a Lung Cancer Screening

Current or Former Smoker? 5 Reasons You Need a Lung Cancer Screening

If you are a current or former smoker between the ages of 50 and 80 and have at least a 20 pack year history of smoking cigarettes, you likely qualify for a lung cancer screening at the Lung Center. The low dose CT scan is non-invasive, results are shared with patient in a short period of time and further care/screenings are coordinated with the lung center care team.

Here are the top 5 reasons that it’s important to get a lung cancer screening test:
  1. More people die from lung cancer every year than from breast, prostate and colorectal cancers combined.
  2. Studies have shown that screening people of high risk with low dose CT scans (before symptoms are present) may find lung cancer early when it’s easier to treat and more likely to be cured.
  3. Westmoreland County exceeds the state and national incidence rate for lung cancer.
  4. Smoking is the cause of 85% of all lung cancers and the risks increase with age.
  5. Lung cancer screening is not a single test. Our center offers coordinated follow-up screenings and coordinated care.

At the Lung Center, 70% of cancers detected were at early stage when more treatment options are available. Don’t delay – call 724-689-1440 to see if you qualify for a CT scan.

*Most insurances accepted, affordable out of pocket payment options are available for those without insurance or those who do not meet screening criteria.