Independence Health System is renowned for its innovative approach to surgical procedures. We are proud to offer advanced robotic surgery, providing our patients with a safer and more efficient alternative to traditional surgery.
Robotic surgery is an advanced form of minimally invasive surgery where surgeons use a computer-controlled robot to assist them in surgical procedures.
With da Vinci robot, the surgeon sees high definition, three-dimensional images from inside the body ten times better than the naked eye. The surgeon controls the da Vinci system, which translates the surgeon's hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments inside the body. These computer-guided instruments allow for more precise control than ever before. And while it is called a "robot", the system cannot act on its own; the surgeon always remains in total control.
At our hospitals, we perform a variety of robotic surgery procedures for a variety of conditions/procedures:
We utilize the da Vinci Surgical System for our robotic surgeries. This system enables surgeons to perform complex procedures with unmatched precision and control. The surgeon controls the robot at a console that is located near the patient. A laparoscope (a thin tube with a tiny camera and light) sends images to a video monitor in the operating room to guide the surgeon and support staff in assisting the surgery.
Robotic surgery may be performed for hernia repair, gallbladder removal, bowel resection, hysterectomy, prostatectomy, and more. Key benefits of robotic surgery include the following:
At Independence Health System, patient safety and trust are our top priorities. We are committed to providing you with comprehensive care throughout your surgical journey, from consultation to full recovery. We are proud to be a trusted avenue for patients to receive robotic surgery in Western Pennsylvania.
For more information about robotic surgery, please call the office directly.