The team at Independence Health System provides the resources, counseling, treatments, and support services needed to help those with drug and alcohol problems take back their lives and move forward toward a better future. Our goal is to ensure that you have access to the support and services needed to assist you in your decision to move forward. We are experienced, knowledgeable, and caring, with a record of community service and success. You can rely on our team for premium care and support if your desire is to remove drug and/or alcohol dependency from your life and to make a fresh start.
Drug and alcohol dependency causes great suffering for individuals and their families, while also contributing to lower productivity and a host of other societal problems. Getting clean could help you turn your life around and achieve your full potential, and our team of experts is here to assist and support you in this endeavor. We understand that it can be a challenging decision and a difficult journey. Our goal is to provide you with all the support and assistance you need to succeed on this journey. Butler Memorial Hospital Drug and Alcohol combat the problems caused by drug and alcohol addiction, including our Regional Recovery Centers and 24-hour informational call line.
Need more information?
The Butler Memorial Hospital Drug and Alcohol program is available 24/7. Call