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Robert B.

  • Author: Robert B.
  • Date Submitted: Feb 23, 2022
  • Category: Why I Give

Pennsylvania State Representative

As a parent, my most important responsibility is to guide my children by example - promoting quality of life that's rooted in family, education, faith in action, and physical and mental well-being. I carry that philosophy into our family foundation, where we don't just "give" money, we focus money on caring for our fellow man ... it's still the family ... just a bigger family.

It's important to develop the individual, but just as necessary to support systems that can bring about change, locally and globally. With Excela Health as the hub of my county, I feel strongly about assuring we have the best capabilities available. I want to be part of transforming the environment into one of absolute service where a patient's dignity and worth are elevated even in the midst of tragedy. I'm not just giving money, I'm giving hope.