A Life Regained
- Author: Dan O'Shea
- Date Submitted: Feb 28, 2023
- Category: Bariatrics

Dan O'Shea, a Butler native, was living in discomfort due a previous old gastric stapling with stomach band - a vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) - which was restricting his food intake causing digestion issues including vomiting and pain. His lifestyle was significantly restricted. His favorite hobby of fishing was drastically impacted. "It was a burden to do anything,” Dan shares.
Mr. O'Shea became a patient of Dr. Daniel Gagne after being recommended to him by a friend. He and Dr. Gagné clicked from the moment they met at the consultation. Dr. Gagne swiftly and confidently addressed Dan's concerns. "I wouldn't have done this without Dr. Gagné. He saved my life."
Dan's recovery was smooth and as expected, he said. He began fishing daily and the weight came off easily. He is enjoying his life again: doing his own maintenance at the home he shares with his wife in Florida, and out on his boat in the Gulf of Mexico fishing 5 out of 7 days a week.
The procedure Dr. Gagné performed created the opportunity for a complete change of lifestyle, including more energy. Dan highly recommends not only Dr. Gagné, but his excellent staff.