About This Location
Our established patients have priority access to same-day and walk-in sick appointments!
Same-Day Sick Appointment Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday • 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Walk-ins accepted during these hours, but scheduled patients will be seen first. To schedule, call the office.
Accepted Qualifications:
- Acne
- Acute cough (less than 2 weeks)
- Diaper rash
- Driver’s physicals
- Ear pain
- Fever
- New onset rash
- New simple injury
- Pre-op physicals
- Runny nose/congestion
- Sore throat
- Sports physicals
- Warts
If child is vomiting and has diarrhea, call the office for telehealth. Well-child care and more chronic problems can be scheduled as usual.
To view a flier of this information, click here.
Providers at this location
Christania J. Morganti, M.D. Kristen Cress, CRNPEmily Goodwill, PA-C